Why do I blog?
I really like to talk about what I'm making. I've realized that not everyone is interested in hearing what I've repurposed this week. So instead of bugging my husband, parents, and friends to show off my creations, I started a blog. This way only the truly interested are obligated to "oooh" and "aaahhh".
A little about my family:
My husband is super amazing.
We have three boys. They're all about two years apart.
Other things:
-I love tennis.
-I like to drink coffee.
-I am now a morning person. Sort of.
-I like to drink coffee.
-I am now a morning person. Sort of.
-I need more hours in the day to keep up with all the projects I have in my brain.
-I tend to take a simple project and make it complicated. Example: making macaroni and cheese. The other night, with 20 minutes til dinner time, I decided to cut up, steam, and puree a butternut squash to add to the mac and cheese because I heard it was good. It was, but took a long time.
-I'm really not a fan of mini golf or bowling.
-I'm not a gramatical queen, but I absolutely cannot stand when too & to are mixed up. Also, incorrect usage of you're and your bothers me.
-Dangling participles make me laugh. It's a grammatical error.
Here's an example I still remember from 4th grade: "I saw the moon walking through the forest."
Hahahaha. No one else thought it was funny.
-I love organ music. My dad is an organist and I grew up in the church, so I love a well-played hymn or listening to his recital pieces.
-I run. I ran a marathon once. I don't know for sure that it was considered running, since it took me nearly five hours to finish. I have run two half-marathons since and my PR is 1 hr. 51 minutes. I have also done a few 10k (6.1 miles) races. My PR for the 10k is 50 minutes, 30 seconds (July 2012). My 5k PR is 24:44.
That picture was taken in 2006, after we both finished the Columbus, Ohio marathon. Ouch.
-I try to be healthy. Unfortunately, I like sugary treats a lot. I guess that's one of the reasons that I run.
Thanks for reading my blog. I love to make things.
Don't make stuff to sell using ideas you found here, though. Thanks.
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Email me.
All photos and content on this website are copyrighted. However, images may be used without permission on other blogs, Pinterest, etc when a link back to my site is provided.