I love making bags. But they have to close. I’ve found that magnetic snaps are my favorite closure to add to a bag. They look cleaner than velcro, don’t snag things, last longer, and look better than a zipper.
While making these bags for a friend’s wedding last year, I panicked at the thought of sewing one in. But I learned not to be afraid of using them. They’re easy.
You’ll need four pieces per snap. (I order my snaps from Etsy seller PurseSuppliesRUS. They offered free shipping. It got here fast. And no, they’re not paying me to say that.)
Mark where you want the snap to be placed. I mark on the right side of the fabric, but probably is a better idea to use the wrong side. I’ve never had a problem.
You’re going to make two buttonholes per snap side. This prevents the fabric from fraying around the snap. Before you make the buttonholes, fuse a small scrap of interfacing behind where the snap will be. This will prevent the snap from ripping through. I usually use two small scraps plus the layer of interfacing from the bag’s lining.
Next, get your machine set to make a few buttonholes. I used to make buttonholes with a special foot but then discovered it was easier just to use a narrow and short zig-zag stitch. Here is how I set my machine to do the buttonholes for the snaps:
I tested all the different lengths and widths (below). The bottom right is the final length and width.
Make the buttonhole around one of the lines you marked.
Make your second buttonhole.
Next, open the buttonholes using a seam ripper. (Watch your fingers. I’ve drawn blood more than once using this technique. You don’t want to bleed on your fabric!)
Now you can poke one half of the snap through the buttonholes you made.
This is what the back should look like.
Slide the flat part of the snap onto the arms of the snap.
Bend the arms of the snap out. You can use needle-nose pliers for this, but make sure not to scratch the snap with them (cover it with a fabric scrap)
Repeat all the steps for the opposite side, make sure to use the opposite magnet, and you’ve got your snap securely installed!
Places I have linked:
Or So She Says, Train to Crazy, Tater tots & Jello, Merry Messy Life, Sugar Bee Crafts, Reasons to Skip the Housework, The 36th Avenue, House of Hepworths, Someday Crafts, Southern Lovely, 504 Main,Serenity Now, Fingerprints on the Fridge, I heart NapTime, Classy Clutter, A Glimpse Inside, Somewhat Simple, Gingerly Made, Serenity Now, Today's Creative Blog, The Winthrop Chronicles, Home Stories A to Z
Well, I'll be darn. Never thought to sew it with a buttonhole function. Just learned something new.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
I'm stopping over from Serenity Now.