I have spent a lot of time nursing both of my children as babies/toddlers. So my nursing cover got a lot of use. And it shrank. A lot.
And a tiny nursing cover sort of defeats the purpose of a nursing cover at all, doesn’t it???
So I decided to make a new one. And since I just got a great new Binding Foot
And I made the binding from the old nursing cover. It was plain blue. Kind of boring. This one is a busier print. (It was on the bargain table at the fabric store.)
And I used all the hardware from the old nursing cover. So this was a super quick project! And that binding foot worked really well. And normally, I hate binding things and it takes me forever. But this was amazing because I didn’t have to pin at all, let alone twice.
Places I have linked:
Or So She Says, Train to Crazy, Tater tots & Jello, Merry Messy Life, Sugar Bee Crafts, Reasons to Skip the Housework, The 36th Avenue, House of Hepworths, Someday Crafts, Southern Lovely, 504 Main,Serenity Now, Fingerprints on the Fridge, I heart NapTime, Classy Clutter, A Glimpse Inside, Somewhat Simple, Gingerly Made, Serenity Now, Today's Creative Blog, The Winthrop Chronicles, Home Stories A to Z
I loved the nursing cover that my grandma made for me. This is a great idea. I cannot imagine nursing without it! We are starting a link up party on Thursdays (today:), and we would love for you to join us with this post and/or any others you would like to include. We are at allthingswithpurpose.com. Hope to see you there!!