
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Letter of the Week Crafts: Y and Z

Our last two letters.

Y is for Yo-Yo.
2014-04-25 07.41.35

Z is for zig-zag, zippered zebra. Notice how they are cut in half with zig zag scissors to make it look like a zipper. These zebras could have had googly eyes, but we were a little pressed for time (headed out for story hour…)

 2014-04-25 07.41.53

I have noticed that my boys sometimes just want to cut. And make things into confetti. So crafts sometimes take a long time. And if we’re pressed for time, I want them to focus on the craft yet have fun. So I don’t really know how pre-school teachers can get 10-12 kids to each complete a craft at each sitting.

Sometimes just getting my boys to glue a letter onto paper and decorate it is like pulling teeth. But it’s been fun to do some crafts with them. I think my favorite was the “M is for mouse craft”.
I think their favorite craft was the “x is for xylophone” craft because they pretended to play them. Loudly.

Other letter of the week crafts found here: A & BC & DM,N, O and PQ & R

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