
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Baby Shoes

Back while I was pregnant, I pinned some Toms-inspired baby shoes. (Go follow me on Pinterest.)
I finally got around to making some for our little guy. It helps him keep his socks on.

2014-05-01 13.08.45

I actually had to adapt the pattern a bit. I didn’t end up making the little elastic part on the top of the foot. And I made the pattern bigger. Then smaller.

2014-05-01 13.09.01

And by the time I finally completed the third pair, I had something the little guy can wear. I think.

2014-05-01 13.09.36

And someday, if I get a serger, I can finish the inside seams.


  1. These are so sweet! I want to make a a pair for my guy now but I've never attempted anything like this before. I feel inspired though :)

  2. Give it a try! They weren't hard! Promise.

  3. Precious. I can't wait to have a grandchild to make things like this. I'm collecting all baby sewing ideas until then. :) I found you via classy clutter link up.


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