This is more of a "Mommy Post" than a "Crafty Post". So if you don't have kids, you may want to skip it. I'm going to talk about runny noses.
You can tell when your kiddos are sick. It is something about the ways their eyes look.
This is a picture of my oldest when he had his first cold.
I have always used to use the plain old bulb syringe to attempt to clear tiny noses.
My kids hate it. The minute either of them see it coming toward his nose, they turn their head away. Who can blame them? Who really wants something jammed into his nose?
This past Sunday, the pastor's wife was kind enough to take care of my youngest in the nursery. He is getting teeth and is a snotty mess right now. Our pastor's wife has four grown children and seven grandchildren and she told me about Nosefrida, which sucks snot out of your child's nose. Here's the link for this Nosefrida.
I ordered it that afternoon. In addition to the review my pastor's wife gave it, over 800 people on had taken the time to write a review. And they were good reviews.
I ordered it that afternoon. In addition to the review my pastor's wife gave it, over 800 people on had taken the time to write a review. And they were good reviews.
Well, the thing
It costs a little over $14. I think Nosefrida
is a thrifty option. It has a replaceable filter so you don't actually end up inhaling your child's snot, but since I didn't get any snot on the filter after three uses, I don't anticipate needing to replace it all that often.
is a thrifty option. It has a replaceable filter so you don't actually end up inhaling your child's snot, but since I didn't get any snot on the filter after three uses, I don't anticipate needing to replace it all that often.
Thistype of nasal aspirator
would make a great shower gift for a new mom. Or a desperate mom who has a sick child.
would make a great shower gift for a new mom. Or a desperate mom who has a sick child.
Sorry about all the snot talk.
We'll be back to sewing and crafts soon!
But when you have a child, snot is the least icky issue. I love a remedy that doesn't require any drugs. I just wanted to let everyone know about how this product is helping my kids breathe easier while getting teeth and during allergy season.
Disclaimer: I am in no way a medical professional. I am not affiliated with Nasalfrieda in any way nor received compensation from them for this post. This post does include affeliate links from
Jen - Thank you SO much for posting! This could not be better timing . . . Philip has been really congested, and we've been battling with the "plain old bulb syringe" for the past couple of days! (You are right - that thing stinks! I laughed out loud when I saw your picture with the big red line through it! We can definitely relate!) It's good to know that you had positive results with this new nasal aspirator. We're definitely getting one! Thanks again! Miss you and hope you're all doing well!
ReplyDeleteEmily, I am so glad you found this useful! I think of you all the time. Sorry Phillip is not feeling well! Hope this can help. I had not heard of it before this week and I think it would have gotten us a little more sleep in the past.