
Friday, June 29, 2012

I {Heart} Flowers

I am not into gardening. At all. I dislike bugs. Dirt. Dirty fingernails.
Yet I love flowers.

daylilies 1
And our yard is full of beautiful flowers in bloom. Right now. We have tons of daylilies.
When we built our home, a cousin offered some day lilies. Which are beautiful. She said they needed to be split and if my husband was willing to do the work required to dig and split them, we could have them for our yard.

day liles. smelling the flowers.

My husband (who I’ve credited before as being amazing) worked for several hours splitting the day lilies, putting them into plastic bags, and then driving them to our house. And then he and his dad planted them in our yard.

They’ve begun blooming in the past few weeks. And they all have super creative names. Like “Octopus Hugs”, “Canadian Border Patrol”, “Maude Peacock”, “Big Bird”, and so on. The flowers are beautiful.

I’m amazed that this is my yard because this is what I usually grow:
failed herb garden. dead plants

As another example of my gardening skills, I planted an herb garden back in May. Here it is:
failed herb garden
[Yes, you should laugh. Nothing grew in my herb garden.]

I do have a Pinterest board entitled, "If I Liked Gardening." But I don't know that I ever will.

Thanks for reading. So tell me…do you like gardening?


  1. Ha that's hilarious about you herb garden! I've always loved gardening, though I never used to be any good at it. When I was a kid my dad and I grew veggies out in the yard, but they only survived cuz my dad took care of them. But this year I finally decided to grow my own herbs indoors (from seeds no less, wth was I thinking?) But they're doing great so far! And it's always nice to have fresh herbs :-)

    1. Glad your herbs are doing better than mine. Fresh herbs are so useful, aren't they? So expensive to buy them.

  2. I stumbled upon your delightful blog post, "I Heart Flowers," and I couldn't help but be captivated by your passion for floral beauty!


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