
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

T-Shirt Yarn Project

Wondering what I made so far with my t-shirt yarn?

A basket for some of our little guy's toys:
crocheted basketI used a very large crochet hook. Size Q? Not sure. It is plastic. The basket doesn't have a lot of body (the sides cave in if it is empty) but it works great if it is full.

This project cost me $0! So excited about that. I asked friends for t-shirts they were giving away (I used 10 t-shirts for this basket) and so it was free. To make this with yarn would have cost a lot.


  1. I love this. I was debating how t-shirt yarn would look in a basket form. I'm gonna try it too. What stitch did you use?

  2. Sorry I have not answered your question til now! I have no idea what stitch I used. I think it was just a plain old single crochet stitch.


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